Sunday, February 2, 2014

Arriving in Entebbe

Good Morning!

Well our travelling time is almost done, in that we have arrived in Uganda, but we still have a 3 hour bus ride to get to Jinja, where we'll be staying for the duration of our trip.

After 28 hours and who-knows-how-many time zones, our bodies are quite confused to be seeing the morning sun at 1:30am...LOL

The biggest score was finding the lounge chairs at Heathrow airport where we proceeded to nap in 45 minute intervals over our full 7 hour layover (which was supposed to be 5, but oh well!)

The temperature here is about 21 degrees Celsius (sorry!) and there is a slight breeze.  The birds are chirping, and I think I see an orange or maybe a lime tree outside?  The smell in the air is very reminiscent of lemongrass, and everyone has been so incredibly friendly!

We have so much to experience, with food, culture, the environment, and we're trying to take it all in, but I'll admit that I think I'm still in shock a little bit.  I had a brief 2 hour moment of serious doubt during our 8 1/2 hour flight from London to Entebbe, but obviously it was too late to change my mind at that point!  I was missing my kids and worried about the flight (which did have more turbulence than I prefer...LOL).  I got through it though, and I'm excited about the trip again.

The hard-boiled eggs this morning had white yolks, so that was different, but the tea, toast, potatoes were all the same as home.

Ted has decided he wants to try fishing out of the Nile on our day off...let's see what kind of fish story he comes up with!

Lots of love and hugs to everyone!  I hope to have pics for the next post. 


  1. We are so glad you are safely in Africa, and breathing it all in. Somebody must have prayed you through that brief moment of doubt. We'll all be here keeping you in our hearts so that those moments will indeed be brief! Try lots of new things, especially food. If God hadn't made it for people to eat, it wouldn't be there!

  2. Announced your safe arrival at church today. We are all with you! Hope your bus ride went well. It's an experience! Practice being still. Know that God is there with you.

  3. Egg yolks get their colour from what the hens eat so if the yolks are really pale or even white then it means the hens are eating food without a lot of carotenoids in it. Carotenoids in chicken feed come largely from corn and alfalfa. In many markets there are rules about what colour the yolk of the egg has to be (consumer appeal) and hens are fed diets with extra colour added in order to ensure the proper colour yolk. Nothing to do with nutritional value or safety though. :)

  4. By now you have probably got to do some "work"! And you may be "feeling the heat". Keep heart, drink lots of safe water, eat wisely ... and don't listen to anybody who may try to tell you how to feel. Just feel. And listen. In the quiet moments you will hear that "still small voice" - He will help you feel what is best for you. Not only are you getting to have these experiences together, you will come home with new friends, and back to a big family where there are lots of people who will know how to listen to your stories - I for one can't wait!!
    It's a bright sunny day here at -10C for get up time - at last!!! Take a hug :)
